JRC Summer School on “Non-animal Approaches in Science: The Three Revolution” via European Comission
8 September 2020
We’re back! May 18 – 21 2021
Join us for the 2021 edition of the JRC Summer School on Non-animal Approaches in Science organised by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and its EU Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing (EURL ECVAM).
Why this Summer School?
Non-animal approaches offer huge advantages for conducting human relevant research and testing, whether it be for studying disease mechanisms, developing new therapies or ensuring the safe use of chemicals.
Cutting-edge technologies including induced pluripotent stem cells, organ-on-chip, computational modelling and artificial intelligence are being exploited for world class science that benefits our society.
The JRC Summer School provides you with a unique opportunity to learn from experts in the field, share knowledge and experience with your peers, and build your professional network, all while having fun too!
Published via European Comission