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China Regulatory Update: Prohibited Ingredients, Labeling and Children’s Cosmetics via Cosmetics & Toiletries

12 October 2021

Cosmetic Pre-market Approval System Introduced

On May 1, 2021, China formally implemented a new cosmetic and new cosmetic ingredients (NCI) pre-market approval system by putting seven crucial regulations into effect. The seven regulations include:

  1. Administ­rative Measures on Cosmetics Registration and Notification: This regulation is primarily designed to specify the basic requirements for the administ­ration of cosmetic and new cosmetic ingredient pre-market approval, such as the procedures of registration and notification, the obligations of registrants and notifiers, etc.
  2. Provisions for Management of Cosmetic Registration and Notification Dossiers: This regulation details the documentation requirements for the application, modification, renewal and cancellation of cosmetic registration/​notification. More importantly, it specifies that imported general cosmetics can be exempted from animal testing from May 1, 2021, under certain conditions.
  3. Provisions for Management of New Cosmetic Ingredient Registration and Notification Dossiers: This regulation details the requirements for registration dossiers for high-risk NCI, notification dossiers for low-risk NCI and NCI’s safety status report. It  also specifies that data from animal testing alternative method for NCI registration/​notification can be conditionally accepted.

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 Angelita Hu, ChemLinked –