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Procter & Gamble Beauty’s New Clinical Study Reveals Consumers are Losing More Hair via Happi

25 October 2021

Over two-thirds of adults in the US are concerned with hair loss, yet the majority leave it untreated, believing hair loss is caused by uncontrollable factors like age or genetics. Scientists and dermatologists have suspected oxidative stress at the scalp surface may also be a hair loss culprit.
Oxidative stress comes from damaging free radicals, which we regularly encounter from environmental sources like UV and pollution. Free radicals are known to accelerate skin aging and to disturb the scalp skin barrier.
Research publishedin the International Journal of Cosmetic Science confirms a specific antioxidant approach works to reduce excessive hair loss by reducing scalp oxidative stress. The tested technology has become the clinically-proven Hair Anchor Blend in KeepItAnchored’s hair care systems.