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Skin Microbiota on the Human Face: The Study by Complife

22 March 2022

As anticipated some time ago, our Complife colleagues Dr Clemence Robert and Dr Vincenzo Nobile conducted a study about the variations of facial microbiome composition depending on endogenous and exogenous factors.

The microbiota is the sum of all bacteria, fungi and arthropods that live in and on everything that composes an ecosystem.

The human being itself is an ecosystem, in fact the role of the human microbiome in health and disease has been recognised in recent years.


Nevertheless relatively little information is available on the composition of the healthy microbiome of the human face.

COMPLIFE offers safety and efficacy testing both in vivo and in vitro to the cosmetic industry and everyday more of our clients are interested in developing products that respect or improves the skin microbiome.


Thanks to the many test requests, we collected a lot of microbiome samples and ended up with 254 samples total, 183 from women and 71 from men.

The study could then begin.

All samples were analysed based on 2 endogenous factors (sex and age) and 2 exogenous factors (season and living area).


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