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Skin & Sensoriality, Neurodermatology Using the iPS technology by NeuronExperts

8 March 2019

Skin & Sensoriality Skin is the first interface between the human body and its environment. Each variation in this environment like sun exposure, temperature, pressure, but also the application of substances on the skin are all information collected by sensory nerve endings and transmitted to sensory neurons thanks to electrical signals named action potential.

In reaction, sensory neurons emit an action potential which is transmitted to neurons form the central nervous system allowing perception integration by the brain.

Hence a real dialog is established between the skin and sensory neurons. The peripheral nervous system thus plays a dual role:

  • Adaptation to the external environment (reaction to stimuli)
  • Maintenance of the cutaneous homeostasis

The deep knowledge of the cutaneous neurosensory environment allows Neuron Experts to provide innovative solutions to the dermo-pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

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