Effects on skin microbiota only or whole skin or skin without its microbiota by Phylogene via ZOOM #30
23 April 2024
With the “omics” and bioinformatics analysis, PHYLOGENE offers a broad evaluation of the effects of cosmetics on its microbiota or on whole skin.
-QPCR (targeted) quantification of major genera / species of the skin microbiota to determine whether or not the product impacts the targeted entities.
– Comparative metagenomic study of the microbiome of the skin by NGSequencing 16S rDNA and / or ITS to know the diversity and the taxonomic composition of the microbiome and to know if the product impacts or not the microbiome.
– Comparative metaproteomic study of the microbiota and the skin by nanoLC-MS/MS proteomics, and data complementary bioinformatic / biostatistical analysis by CORAVALIDTM and HolXploreTM for a functional description of the effects on the skin and its microbiota simultaneously in order to understand the mechanisms of action.
Read the ZOOM #30: Click here
View the flip-book: Click here
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