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Gone are the Days when People Manage their Health only by Eating and Exercising via Becon

5 January 2024

Evolving Healthcare

Gone are the days when people manage their health only by eating and exercising. It is time to take care of your physical and mental health with healthcare items equipped with various technologies.

All-in-one scalp care

Now that you live under the threat of fine dust 365 days a year, meticulous scalp care has become more important. Becon’s scalp scanner, which is sold to companies such as hospitals and hair clinics, analyzes 10 items such as scalp dead skin cells, temperature, and oil and moisture to diagnose scalp health and recommend products suitable for the examiner’s scalp type.

Hair loss progression can be measured based on hair volume, thickness, and hair follicle density data. Thanks to the lid equipped with the sterilization function, there is no need for separate cleaning or management. It is also developing streamlined low-cost devices for general consumers.

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