The Cosmetics Testing News

Follow the testing news dedicated to innovations and trends in the evaluation of active, ingredients, cosmetics and medical devices

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General Conditions of Use

1. Object

These terms were intended to define the conditions of use of service available on the site (hereinafter: the Service).

2. Operator of Service

The Service is operated by ATTRACTION SARL, whose headquarters is located 11 chemin des Berthets, 73100 BRISON SAINT INNOCENT (hereinafter: «ATTRACTION SARL»).

3. Destination of the Service

The Service is intended for physical or legal persons exercising an economic activity in both the cosmetics industry and chemistry, measurement instruments, testing laboratories. The Service responds to an exclusively professional need.

4. Registration and prior acceptance of the General conditions

Any user of the site (hereinafter: the “User”) must, in order to access the Service, fill in an e-mail address on the registration form provided for this purpose. Through this action, the user declares expressly accept these conditions General, how full, unrestricted and reserve.

5. Description of Service

The Service is available to the user, in a dematerialized form, information on the area of the skin assessment of cosmetic ingredients, news and finished products (hereinafter: «News»), for the purposes of their reading, sharing and reuse according to technical means that ATTRACTION SARL deems most appropriate to make the Service.

ATTRACTION SARL decides the nature of news updates online and their number. It can add or delete, in its sole discretion. The user cannot, under any circumstances, claim to completeness, their maintenance or replacement.

6. Free service

The Service is provided free of charge.

7. Licensing news

The User is not authorized to change, adapt and create new news.

The User is entitled to use, copy, distribute and communicate news in compliance with the following conditions:

-always include the following credit: ” news via .»

– mention the author, and the original company of the document,

-do not make any commercial use of any part of the news,

-do not restrict sharing news to more stringent operating conditions and allow reuse under the same conditions as those referred to above.

The User agrees to comply strictly with these terms of use, except to engage his responsibility and exposure to lawsuits, including financial and indemnity claims.

8. Exclusion of liability and warranty

ATTRACTION SARL undertakes to provide the Service with seriousness and diligence, being specified that it weighs about this society that a simple obligation of means, excluding any obligation of result, the user recognizes and expressly accepts. ATTRACTION SARL does including not guarantee to the user that news, subjected to a constant search to improve the quality and relevance, will be completely free of defects, inaccuracies or errors.

The Service is to issue the user information online and may in no case be assimilated to a benefit of Council. If they can meet general searches that the User may experience, News remain information that is not proposed to the intention of an individual based on his personal situation, can not respond specifically to its needs, constraints and specific expectations.

The User acknowledges accordingly use the news at his own peril and says do his personal business of any information, additional consultation that it might have to require professional cosmetic evaluation.

ATTRACTION SÀRL cannot held liable as such, in any manner or on any basis whatsoever. It excludes to the user any liability and warranty.

ATTRACTION SARL cannot be held to pay any liability or guarantee concerning acts that may have been altered, transformed and adapted by the user and redistributed or shared by him in respect of the conditions of use laid down in article 7 hereof.

ATTRACTION SARL cannot finally be held responsible for any difficulties or momentary impossibility of access to the Service which would have caused circumstances which are external, force majeure, or due to disruption of telecommunications networks. ATTRACTION LLC also reserves the right to temporarily interrupt access to the Service for maintenance reasons.

9. Behaviors prohibited

It is strictly forbidden to copy or divert the concept, technology or any other element of the Service.

It is also prohibited to monetize, sell or sublicense all or part of the access to the Service, as well as the information that are published there, hosted and/or shared.

Are likewise strictly prohibited: (i) all behaviors likely to interrupt, suspend, slow down or prevent the continuity of the Service, (ii) all trespassing or attempted intrusions into the systems of ATTRACTION SARL, (iii) any diversion of resources the site system, (iv) all actions likely to impose a burden which is disproportionate on the infrastructure of the latter, (v) all violations of security and authentication measures , (vi) all actions undermine the rights and interests financial, commercial or moral ATTRACTION SARL or the users of its site and finally, more generally, (vii) all breaches of these terms.

The user guarantees ATTRACTION SARL against all claims, actions, demands or claims any ATTRACTION SARL may suffer due to breach by the user of the any of its obligations under the terms of these general conditions. It undertakes to indemnify ATTRACTION SARL for any harm it would suffer and pay all fees, charges and/or convictions that society would have to bear to.

10. Penalty for breaches

In the event of breach any of the provisions of the present general conditions or more generally, of offence under the laws and regulations in force, ATTRACTION SARL reserves the right to take any appropriate measures and notably to suspend or permanently interrupt access to the Service user, author of the breach or the offence, or participating, warn any competent authority and bring any judicial action.

11. Intellectual property

Systems, software, structures, infrastructure, databases and content of any kind (text, images, visuals, music, logos, brands, etc.) operated by ATTRACTION SARL on the site are protected by any intellectual property rights. All disassembly, decompilations, decryption, extraction, reuse, copies and more generally, all acts of reproduction, representation, diffusion and use of any of these elements, in whole or part, without the express permission of ATTRACTION SÀRL is strictly prohibited and may be subject to prosecution.

12. links and third party sites

ATTRACTION SARL will not be held responsible for the technical availability of websites or mobile applications operated by third parties (including its potential partners) to which the user would accede through the site.

ATTRACTION SARL assumes no responsibility in respect of content, advertisements, products or services available on such third-party sites and mobile applications which it is recalled that they are governed by their own terms of use.

ATTRACTION SARL is not responsible for transactions between the user and any advertiser, professional or merchant (including its potential partners) to which the user would be oriented through the site and cannot in any way be party to some disputes whatsoever with these third parties, including the delivery of products and/or services, guarantees , statements and other obligations whatsoever that these third parties are required.

13. Modifications

ATTRACTION SARL reserves the right to terminate the Service, temporarily or permanently, and to modify at any time the present general conditions.

The user will be informed by all useful means.

Any user who uses the Service after the entry into force of the amended general conditions is deemed acceptance of these changes.

14. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These general conditions are governed by French law.

In the event of dispute as to the validity, interpretation or execution of these general conditions, the parties agree that the Grenoble courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction for judging, except contrary mandatory procedural rules.

15. Application date

These terms are entered into force may 15, 2015.