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3D Bioprinted Human Skin Model-Non-Animal by BioDan

26 September 2017

BioDan Sciences’ bioprinted human skin test model features an innovative and well-differentiated epidermis with stratum corneum, a bilayer of reconstructed human epidermis and dermis cultured on a fibrin matrix. A dermal layer containing human collagen produced by fibroblasts and a basal membrane containing collagen VII is placed between the epidermal and dermal compartments.

Our model is capable of reproducing normal human skin and is therefore an ideal alternative to in vitro drug and vehicle screening. Human keratinocytes are obtained from healthy consenting donors through human biopsies. They are then expanded and cultured via a process allowing for differentiation to produce stratum corneum.

Our testing model has been developed in line with ECVAM standards and focuses on the development of the following test assays:

  • Percutaneous absorption for topical formulations and ingredients
  • Effects of UVA/UVB radiation for topical formulations and ingredients
  • In vitro skin corrosion studies for topical formulations and ingredients
  • In vitro skin irritation studies for topical formulations and ingredients


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