Autophagy, a new way of substantiation for your products: autophagy and age!


The skin is daily subjected to various stresses, such as pollution, cigarette smoke, UVA, UVB… which alter cells.

These cell recycling/detoxification pathways represent markers for monitoring the impact of these stresses on cells.

Indeed, an aggression will stimulate these paths. A protective product may prevent the formation of damaged material within the cell and thus limit the activation of autophagy and mitophagy.

Specific markers are:
LC3B, autophagy central protein,
P62, main substrate,
PINK1, mitophagy specific marker.

Additional markers such as MT1H, AhR, NRF2, HO-1, MDA… can also be studied in parallel to support your results.


Autophagy is one of the stress response mechanisms essential for the good maintenance of homeostasis. Activated in response to a lack of nutrients or identification of the damaged molecules, autophagy is involved in the processes of survival and cell longevity but it is also related to age.

It is known that, during aging, an accumulation of damaged cellular material to degrade occurs in parallel with an impairment of the cell degradation capabilities.

Our team correlated these data extracted from the literature with our explants model and observed a clear decrease in autophagy with age.


Barbara ROBIN

Chargée de communication scientifique et marketing

Tel : 01 69 41 47 63

@ :

1 chemin de saulxier – 91160 Longjumeau

Tel : +33 (0)1 69 41 42 21

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