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Beauty claims on food supplements must be ‘seriously’ considered via Cosmetics Design Europe

7 April 2020

By Kacey Culliney 09-Mar-2020

Developing food supplements that carry beauty claims for aesthetic benefits presents a real opportunity that the nutritional industry must look at seriously, says a regulatory expert.

Last month, CosmeticsDesign-Europe hosted an expert panel debate at Probiota 2020 in Dublin entitled ‘Beauty and the skin microbiome: Opportunities beyond the gut’​​. The panel, comprised of Dr. Audrey Gueniche, senior clinical expert at L’Oréal Research and Innovation; Luca Bucchini, director and owner of Hylobates Consulting; and Ewa Hudson, director of insights at Lumina Intelligence, discussed commercial, scientific and regulatory opportunities for probiotics targeting the skin microbiome – considering both topical applications and food supplements.One interesting point raised during the panel debate was the potential for food supplements to carry ‘beauty claims’, rather than EFSA-approved health claims​.

EFSA-approved health claims versus beauty claims​

One of the panellists, Luca Bucchini from Hylobates Consulting, said it was firstly important industry understood the difference between health claims and beauty claims.

“There is a clear difference. At the border, there is always some uncertainty, but it’s rather clear in its essence. EFSA said, back some years ago, when it comes to skin appearance – like wrinkles or [products] that lighten skin – all these aspects are not related to health. They are not a health benefit. (…)


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