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Design and Technical Performance of Whole Transcriptome Atlas for GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler by NanoString

Robin Fropf, Maddy Griswold, Stephanie Zimmerman, Karen Nguyen, Dan R Zollinger, Jill McKay-Fleisch, Michael Rhodes, Joseph Beechem


High-plex spatial technologies are needed to profile gene expression while maintaining information on tissue architecture.

The Human Whole Transcriptome Atlas (HuWTA) for GeoMx® DSP uses a curated approach to target 99.5% of protein-coding genes while optimizing readout efficiency.

Here, we demonstrate the capabilities of HuWTA by benchmarking against other bulk and spatial technologies.

We also examined unique morphological structures in multiple tissues to outline guidelines for use of HuWTA.

Finally, we used these guidelines in experiments profiling directed AOIs across healthy and diseased kidney samples.

Our results demonstrate that HuWTA successfully integrates transcriptome-scale spatial biology with sophisticated AOI design to enable flexible discovery with spatial context.

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