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Developing New Facial Moisturisers by SensoryDimensions

By combining descriptive sensory profiling with quantitative research, we were able to help our client understand consumer segmentation in the facial skincare market and develop a prototype with universal appeal.

We selected a range of in-market competitors showing a variety of textural characteristics. We then ran in-home product testing amongst consumers selected to represent our target demographic to collect liking and other key measures for each cream.

In addition we used our trained sensory panels to evaluate the sensory characteristics of each cream using Descriptive Sensory Profiling which gave a defined picture of the textural characteristics of each.

Step 1: Mapping the samples in terms of consumer preference

Step 2: Grouping consumers according to Liking

Step 3: Understanding Consumer Segmentation using Descriptive Sensory Profiling

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Published by SensoryDimensions

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