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Emerging Trends: Skin Checking Algorithms via The Medical Futurist

In our new series, Emerging Trends, we are looking at those technologies in digital health that are on a certain ‘hype cycle’ – technologies and solutions that currently stand out from the rest because of their novelty, timeliness, or greatness. These are solutions everyone’s talking about or the ones they should. We are beginning with skin checking algorithms, which is definitely a course currently rising. Let’s have a deeper look.

Everyone should have a skin check done from time to time. Skin cancer is one of the most common cancer types worldwide: one in five people in the U.S. is expected to receive a skin cancer diagnosis during their lifetime. Early detection and treatment are invaluable: almost all skin cancers (both melanoma and nonmelanoma) can be cured if found and treated early. Prevention and detection are the key.


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The Medical Futurist – 17 June 2021

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