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EquiTox, your partner in product safety!

24 May 2019

With the key to eco-toxicological regulation (REACh, cosmetics, CLP, biocides …), EquiTox supports you in every moment of the life of your company where the concept of product safety is at stake.

Our main areas of intervention allow you:

– To anticipate the regulations and to help in their application: we do regulatory watches, we analyse future modifications, we help you meet the regulatory requirements …

– To be accompanied during the changes: The regulation is a “living being” in full growth, always new texts, always new ways of interpreting it. We explain to you the regulatory consequences of your strategic and commercial choices, we advise you on the orientations to take according to the regulatory evolutions and your marketing development, we assist you in the implementation of the regulatory changes …

– Finding the right products for the right markets: Knowledge about chemicals is becoming more complete and accurate, and the regulatory implications are fast. We advise you in integrating this knowledge into your R & D projects.

– Satisfy your customers: The relationship with your customers is at the heart of your concerns, but there is a regulatory framework limiting your actions. Make it an advantage! We are here to turn the regulatory constraints into strengths and sales arguments, and establish good relations with the supervisory authorities.



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