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Eurofins C&PC, your partner to ride on the ‘Healthy Skin’ wave

Nowadays, the healthy skin assessment is part of a more general quest of Simplicity, Health and Well-being. Skin is the surest reflection of our lifestyle.The simple habits that totally improve and
achieve healthy skin, encompasses diet, sport, good sleep, less stress, pollution, sun exposures and smoking…

Moreover, gentle skin treatments preserve this healthy aspect and bring customers feel-good sensations:
– Mild cleansers eliminate pollution deposits while
soothing irritation
-Soft exfoliation reveals the skin radiance and reduces dullness
-Moisturisers with SPF & UVA filters protect the skin

Thanks to dedicated approaches and state-of-the-art equipment,Eurofins C&PC supports you to demonstrate the “healthy skin” benefits of your cosmetics.


Contact the laboratories for more information.

Eurofins Cosmetics & Personal Care



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