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Human Fat on a Chip Model, Optimize your Science with Obatala

Obatala Sciences offers the first commercially available human fat on a chip model, ObaCell™. ObaCell™ comes as a kit including ObaGel™, a human derived 3D culture scaffold, cells, and culture media.

ObaCell™ is intended as a tool for disease modeling and drug screening, but it could be so much more as a plug and play system that can work with other organ-on-a-chip models.

ObaCell™ has high levels of proteins that support vascularization and cell motility which supports the proliferation seen in the images above. The images on the left are on a 2D culture. The images on the right are a 3D culture. The upper images were imaged with a Bright Field Microscope and the lower ones with Hoescht staining.

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Published by Obatala

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