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IEC Group consolidates its global assessment of perceived effects around the world

13 January 2020

To evaluate the effects of cosmetic products by trained assessors or naive subjects, IEC has invested in 9 new 27” LCD Monitors EIZO ColorEdge CG277W in its centers of France, Japan, China and South Africa.

With a built-in SelfCalibration Sensor, a 99% Adobe RGB color space coverage, an EIZO’s patented Digital Uniformity Equalizer technology and an adapted shading hood with an anti-reflection screen, these large format LED monitors deliver optimal performance for grading photos under completely standardized conditions.

Criteria such as aging signs, skin radiance, complexion homogeneity or “healthy skin” can thus be directly captured by questionnaires, grading or visual scales with the IEC Scoring® application developed in 2014 or the Newtone Photoscale®.

The evaluation is done by grading in absolute, in pairs or by series of 3 to 5 randomized photos: all combinations of analyses and criteria are possible to meet the needs of R&D services, scientific communication and marketing.

Combined with the strong potential available at IEC with 7 Newtone Colorface® and more than 30,000 subjects over 8 centers in France (Lyon and Saint-Etienne), Bulgaria, South Africa, Japan, Singapore, Korea and China, this set of tools gives an exceptional and new dynamics to multi-center and multi-ethnic clinical evaluation worldwide.





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