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Inflammation objectivation by Cutibacterium acnes in Human iPSC Sebocytes by Phenocell

The skin microbiome is a main actor in inflammatory acne.

Wearing a mask as a protection against COVID-19 infection leads to increased cutaneous inflammation and exacerbation or appearance of acne and rosacea.

To help understanding these pathological mechanisms, Phenocell has developed a unique assay based on activation of inflammation by Cutibacterium acnes in human sebocytes derived from iPSC ( The pro-inflammatory response is followed at gene and protein levels and can be completed with analysis of sebum production.

The iPSC technology allows modulation of sebocyte phototype to better approach ethnic (African, Caucasian, Asian) variations to skin inflammation.


Read the complete ZOOM#18 : ZOOM#18-Microbiota-Preclinical-testing.web




Léonard Raimbault

Business Developper

Tel: 06 01 81 50 98

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