Innovative remote sub-skin imaging software is looking for clinical trial partners via ENE

A UK company developing an innovative remote sub-skin imaging software is looking for medical research universities or hospitals to conduct clinical trials


The UK start-up has developed an innovative software to provide a dermatological imaging service. The software enables patients to take their own medical sub-skin images with their own mobile, tablet or laptop cameras. The company intends to offer Store-and-Forward remote sub-skin imaging service. The company is looking for a medical research university or research hospital to conduct clinical trials to validate its technology, under a technical cooperation, joint venture or service agreement.


Dermascopes provide only limited view of the immediate skin surface – under the right conditions. They also must be used in direct contact with the patient’s skin which limits their use to patients in the same physical location as the clinician conducting the examination.

The UK start-up is developing a software that, thanks to the in-house created algorithm, provide a Remote Diagnostic Imaging (RDI) service. The software enables patients to take their own medical sub-skin images with their own mobile, tablet or laptop cameras and forward it to the doctors. This results in a Store-and-Forward (SAF) service which allows both doctors and patients to save time and money, providing a more accurate diagnosis.
The  platform has not been deployed for commercial usage yet. The company is currently looking for a medical research university or research hospital to conduct clinical trials on different skin-types to validate its technology. The company is willing to start a collaboration under a technical cooperation, joint venture or service agreement.

Advantages and Innovations

The main advantages of the innovation are:
-It enables to provide a more precise diagnosis since it observes sub-skin signs of skin issues, prior to presenting on the skin surface;
– It supports telemedicine services as the first true sub-skin imaging modality compatible with telemedicine services ;
– It enables to keep sub-skin historical comparison for skin diseases;
– It allows patients to self-monitor the effectiveness of skin treatment;
– It saves time and cost to both patients and doctors, through the function Store-and-Forward, avoiding unnecessary face-to-face visits.

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