Beauty tech entrepreneurs Meghan Maupin and Sid Salvi think so. They’ve just launched their Atolla Skincare System on the crowd-funding platform Kickstarter and are optimistic that data-based customized serum formulations are the answer that today’s digitally native, ingredient conscious consumer is looking for.

Distinguished dermatologist Dr Ranella Hirsch is on the new company’s team as chief scientific officer. And she believes what the Atolla Skincare System promises to do is nothing short of revolutionary.

“There are a plethora of marvelous ingredients for the many skin concerns that exist,”​ acknowledges Dr Hirsch in this week’s press release about the Atolla Skincare Kickstarter campaign. “Until now, the missing link has been getting the precise ingredients into the hands of the consumer at the exact time to deliver maximum efficacy. Now with the Atolla System, we have a cost-efficient way to match knowledge and data to the user right when they need it most,”​ explains Dr Hirsch, adding that, “This will open the door to a skincare revolution.”


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