The Nessa mirror has a built-in camera that takes a photo of what you’re wearing, uploads it to the cloud, and runs an algorithm to determine whether you’ve worn the outfit before or not.
LAS VEGAS—For the trendy, repeating an outfit is (apparently) such a heinous crime that they’re willing to invest hard-earned cash into buying a mirror that will remind them when they’re seconds away from a fashion faux-pas.
Whether that’s true or not, it’s the thinking behind Nessa (stylized as NeSSA, which stands for “NEver Same Shirt Again”), a smart mirror developed by Shiftall and showcased at CES 2020. The mirror has a built-in camera that takes a photo of what you’re wearing, uploads it to the cloud, and runs an algorithm to determine whether you’ve worn the outfit before or not.
That image is then linked to your calender (for now, only Google Calendar), which you sync via the company’s companion app so it can inform you if you’re at risk of wearing an outfit too soon after its last outing. On the mirror itself, a red or green LED lights up to signify whether you’re good to go outside or whether you should change clothes.
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