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Picking Up the Slack: Sagging Skin as an Anti-aging Target via Cosmetics & Toiletries

20 February 2020

Published by Katerina Steventon, Ph.D., FaceWorkshops LLC, Yorkshire, UK,

Aging forces changes to the facial shape to become more apparent. To avoid the surgery required to address skeletal changes, formulators and consumers alike have changed their focus to a new anti-aging target—sagging skin.

Most research in skin sagging has been conducted in Japan. One study1 confirmed that around the age of 40, Japanese women experience reduced volume in the upper face and increased volume in the cheeks and around the chin, including the jawline.1 Until then, sagging in the nasolabial groove is more noticeable, and the mouth-corner area becomes prominent thereafter, when sagging in the cheeks transfers to the areas around the mouth.2

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