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Skimune®Cosm: non-animal, Human in-vitro Assay for Cosmetics Testing by Alcyomics

2 April 2020

Skimune®Cosm is a non-animal human in vitro skin explant assay designed for testing cosmetic actives or formulations. The assay predicts sensitisation by detecting activation of immune cells (T-lymphocytes) by antigen presenting cells. Stimulation of T-lymphocytes induces cytokine release which results in tissue damage in the epidermal barrier.

The test is unique in that it demonstrates a human in vivo like immune response to the test compound and since it incorporates cells and tissue, it is in line with the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP).

Skimune®Cosm has been successfully used by our clients to determine sensitivity, repeat dose responses, dose determination and potency assessment. Skimune®Cosm alongside our high throughput Skimune®3D can also be used to determine cutaneous toxicity.

Recent changes in EU legislation have banned animal testing on cosmetics. Skimune®Cosm offers a suitable alternative to the traditional animal based safety testing of cosmetic product formulation and personal care products to identify and eliminate those compounds that may induce adverse skin or immune reactions.

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Published by Alcyomics