VitroScreen presented 3D scaffold free micro-hair follicle testing at the Jean-Paul Marty Days- Paris

 3D scaffold free micro-hair follicle: µ-HF

Elisa Caviola, PhD, VitroScreen Senior  Scientist, will contribute to the scientific program of the 9° Edition of the Journées Jean-Paul Marty organized by the French Society of Cosmetology (SFC) in Paris 4 & 5 th December with a presentation entitled A forced involution 3D scaffold free micro-hair follicle (µHF) model to test FGF18 peptide mimetics’.

The talk will describe the multiple applications of  this innovative in vitro dermo papilla model in the identification and screening of new molecules: in particular the results of peptide mimetics on a forced involution model will be presented elucidating the molecular mechanism underlying the quiescence state of HF.

Upload the brochure : Vitroscreen hair folicle news dec18.EN


Immunodetection by confocal microscopy of Collagen IV (green), Vimentin (red) and cell nuclei (blu) in micro-Dermal Papilla (µDP) section.


Cytokeratin 6 expressed in Outer Root Sheath of micro-hair follicle.




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20149 Milano

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