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Where There’s Smoke, There’s Skin Care: How Cannabis Affects Skin via Cosmetics & Toiletries

20 December 2017

Cannabis is in vogue at the moment—as regulations on the substance gradually lighten, more research and products tout its benefits for skin care. Along with skin-soothing properties, there is reason to believe that cannabinoids can effectively treat psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.

Inflammation relief is the most promising avenue for cannabinoids in skin care, along with the treatment of itch and burns, according to the Robert Dellavalle, M.D., Ph.D. His study, “The role of cannaboids in dermatology,” published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, explored current literature on the drug’s effect on skin. However, Dellaville noted that more research needs to be done to determine how cannabinoids interact with receptors in the skin.

Several skin care brands have cropped up in dispensaries. Notably, Whoopi Goldberg entered the budding industry with her Whoopi & Maya line in early 2017. Per the brand’s website, its offerings are formulated to provide relief to women suffering from menstrual discomfort, and its body balm and bath soak formulations soothe the skin.

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