Wound Healing In-Vitro Effiacy Tests by StratiCELL
25 April 2022
After injury, the skin naturally undergoes multiple healing phases leading to scar tissue formation. Several topical treatments have demonstrated their effectiveness to favour those reconstruction processes and avoid poor or impaired wound healing.
As a reliable partner in skin testing, StratiCELL offers various in-vitro efficacy tests to study the main cellular mechanisms of wound healing such as reepithelialisation, angiogenesis or dermal matrix remodelling. Combined, those approaches are essential preliminary steps to demonstrate the scarring and repairing properties of innovative dermo-cosmetic compounds.
www.straticell.com | Corporate and testing sheet: https://skinobs.com/preclinical/labo.php?id=197
Read the entire ZOOM#23 by clicking here
Christel Boudry
Business Developer
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