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Morphological differences between Chinese and Caucasian faces and influence of BMI, Study on 120 women by CLARINS

A.Machard, M.Jomier, D.Hottelart, K.Vié – COMET – June 2015

Presentation- Clarins – COMET – 2015



The canons of beauty developed by artists during the Renaissance are well documented and imposed themselves for centuries despite the lack of anthropometric data.

With internazionalisation of media, concepts of beauty are becoming more and more globalised leading to a certain homogenisation of physical appearance : same advertisement around the world.



The goal of this study is to identify :

The morphological differences between face of Chinese and Caucasian women and to Determine how overweight influences morphological characteristics within each group.


3.Material & Methods

Presentation- Clarins – COMET – 2015



Presentation- Clarins – COMET – 2015



Development of a new algorithm to produce high resolution reconstruted average front faces :

  • very well defined / especially remarkable by their quality and the morphological similarities between the images obtained
  • Thanks to this quality, we reveal yet unidentified differences in the facial morphology of Chinese and Caucasian women
  • Width of Chinese women faces are larger at all point measured, making them look larger and rounder
  • Increase in BMI impacts differently Chinese and Caucasian
  • These differences will help to find appropriate responses to reconstructive surgery and aesthetic concern



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