VivoSight OCT Scanner to measure the Skin roughness by Michelson Diagnostics

Fast, convenient, informative non-invasive imaging & measurement tool for the dermatological scientist

Clinical Therapeutics Research

The VivoSight OCT scanner can be used to capture images of skin morphology and observe the effects of topical therapy:

  • Before, during, and after therapy – without affecting the skin
  • Measure the effects of treatment on number, appearance, depth, thickness and lateral extent of lesions
  • Produce detailed 2D and 3D images that reveal what is happening below the skin surface

Personal Care Product Research and Skin Health

In a single scan taking 60 seconds or less, VivoSight can measure multiple aspects of skin health:

  • Measure skin roughness (Ra and Rz)
  • Measure epidermal thickness
  • Image and measure hair follicles and pores in 2D and 3D
  • Compare the skin before, during and after application of a personal care product

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Michelson Diagnostics Limited
Eclipse House , Eclipse Park,
Sittingbourne Road,
Kent ME14 3EN



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