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In vitro UV evaluation : How recent knowledge about In Vitro may enhance In Vivo reliability by Helioscreen

24 June 2015

Dominique Lutz – Sébastien Miska.


The improvement and innovative solutions that our laboratory published and reported to the
ISO SPF international expert group has been demonstrated by this international committee – after several
checking – as the only solution, in the state of the art, to ensure reproducibility for In Vitro transmission
measurements and go further on a solution for an In Vitro SPF method on which it is also our proposal
which is now studied. Everything else including manual spreading …in an expert manner as possible… has
been sweep off.
As a consequence, for now more than a year, all practical international assays have to be only
conducted in our facilities due to our innovative and adapted equipment.
This is what we also propose daily to our customers (both in EU and ASIA) in comparison with
other institutes all over the world. Our level of equipment and know-how based on a huge research
program (18 publications within the last 2 years) not to mention our quality certification has been audited
several times by big companies and official health regulatory offices in EU.
Competition is normal on the market but it is always the responsibility of the customers to check
about reliability of testing laboratories as it is for the sun protection a question of public health.
Our doors are open for each customer.


Sébastien Miska