We are glad to share with you the 7th FOCUS, Skinobs semi-annual panel discussion dedicated to the evaluation of the skin microbiota.

This new publication contains 6 articles sharing 6 different perspectives and points of view.

  • Healthy skin microbiote of the human face by Complife
  • Personalized beauty ? Start paying attention to your skin microbiome by Mérieux Nutrisciences
  • Microbiota testing services: Through co-culture to microbiota-skin cells adhesion studies by GLYcoDiag
  • In-vitro evaluation of microbiotic strains on sebocyte function by Phenocell
  • New relevant acne models for objectivation of microbiota claims by Biofilm Control
  • Pre-clinical models for the study of host/microbiome interaction by InnovSkin



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FOCUS #N7 – Skin Microbiota Evaluation.2212.Skinobs



The evaluation of the effect of dermocosmetics or active products on the skin microbiota is evolving into more and more complex models. And yet, these never reach the sophistication of the ecosystem of the bacterial biofilm of the skin. In addition, it is now known that the skin microbiome is subject to intra-individual variations depending on the body areas and inter-individual according to genetic, intrinsic, and environmental factors.

A complex ecosystem deeply linked to the skin homeostasis

Healthy skin promotes a skilled balance of the different bacteria present and vice-versa, skin homeostasis involves a diverse and highly controlled microbiome. Sometimes the simple decrease of one species can benefit others, which then become potentially pathogenic. 2D or 3D models including the inoculation of one or more microorganisms, living, or inactivated, allow to progress on specific problems, such as those associated with dysbiosis such as acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, or scalp disorders…
These approaches, which can sometimes be considered “reductionist” as the bacterial ecosystem of the skin is complex, remain unavoidable and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the fields of skin biology and microbiology. The intra and inter variability in skin microbiota characteristics is large and it is difficult to sy how a good microbiota should be. The diversity of microbiota species (number and diversity) that is influenced by urban way of life and excessive hygiene, plays a major role in the healthy skin conditions.

Microorganisms and hosts skin cells are in a continuous relationship to insure a healthy skin balance. Various scientific research demonstrate that the biofilm of the skin, constitutes by microorganisms and host cells, maintains skin immunity and supports the good skin barrier (i.e. Atopic Dermatitis)
Cosmetics should preserve this bacterial balance of the skin as varied as it may be and allow fragile and injured skin to regain a natural biofilm.
Since the discovery of the intestinal microbiota, the question of the skin microbiota (micro-organisms, bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeasts), is under every lip. 100 trillion of bacteria are living in our bodies and everybody wants to know more about the impact of the cosmetics use on the skin bacteria ecosystem and how these phenomena can be measured?

The microflora is usually subdivided in 2 groups:
  • the transient flora, saprophytic and pathogens microorganisms with Staphylococcus, aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus species…
  • The resident flora, pathogenic and commensal microorganisms with Proteobacteria, epidermidis, S. hominis Propionibacterium, Corynebacterium, Dermabacter, Brevibacterium, Micrococcus, P. aeruginosa, Pityrosporum, Malassezia, Demodex…
The balance of cutaneous microflora (500 bacteria species) is dependent of the several conditions of its ecosystem: temperature, pH, hormones, light, UV, lipids, proteins, water… It is mainly influenced by the genetic, the lifestyle and the diet. Each person has their own skin flora composition, distributed from the epidermis until the dermis, which is lifelong qualitatively stable, like a personal microbial footprint. This skin microflora is fundamental for the skin homeostasis and participates to the immune and barrier functions.


On the preclinical testing platform,

you can find for the claim: microbiota of the skin

  • 54 tests
  • 39 providers in  7 countries


Happy reading and have a great holiday season !

Anne Charpentier, CEO
and the Skinobs Team

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