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Inclusive Panel Evaluation… An Exclusive Interview, Complife Group



Skinobs is glad to share with you the latest news of the Complife Group and their participation at in-cosmetics Global in Paris and to the Boost Your Test Zone.

You can meet the Complife’s team on the booth Q120


1. What are your news you want to present at in-cosmetics?

Complife Group is an international company constantly growing; in particular the last period was characterized by a strong development in the cosmetics and MD markets as Complife reinforced its presence in France thanks to two recent acquisitions: Dermatech in March 2021 and Innov’Solution in January 2022.

Both companies bring an excellent network of scientific experts and doctors specialized in clinical tests, a significant volunteers base with very high retention and the use of very innovative practices.

With this recent strategic move Complife aims at delivering very high quality services conducted with the best work ethic, thanks to the growing specialization of the team, and its different professional skills.


2. On your opinion, what are the biggest challenges of the evaluation field for 2022?

The biggest challenge for this time is to support our Client’s with an INCLUSIVE panel evaluation, involving different skin phototypes and ethnicities.

This can be done with a strong recruiting program, but also thanks to the latest Innov’Solution acquisition, that brings an extensive panel of volunteers in eastern Europe (specially for dermo-cosmetics market on fragilized skins).


3. Why are you sponsoring the BOOST YOUR TEST with Skinobs?

Complife is SkinObs partner in communication from a long time and thanks also to their distribution we want to keep our communication clear and constant, more importantly today after the recent acquisition of the two French companies.





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