In-vitro Efficacy on Skin Barrier Integrity? Define the Right Testing Strategy with StratiCELL
5 April 2023
It is commonly accepted that there is no stand-alone method to address the skin barrier function and that several endpoints should be used and convey towards the same outcome. Besides in vitro measurement of key biomarkers on keratinocytes in monolayer cell culture or on 3D skin models, StratiCELL also offers transepidermal dye diffusion assays using 3D reconstructed epidermis displaying an “in/out” or an “out/in” disrupted barrier.
Those tests enlarge the panel of bioassays available to evaluate the effectiveness of dermo-cosmetic actives to restore the skin barrier function. However, defining the right testing strategy is essential to save time. Contact directly StratiCELL’s experts to set-up the best adapted testing strategy.
Christel Boudry
Business Developer
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