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International Symposium by SFC



The next International Symposium by SFC will be held on

December 5th – 6th 2023, Paris

The theme chosen at the end of the 2022 edition is:

Skin and systems’ interconnectivity Exploring the Meta Skin:

skin as interconnected ecosystems

Skin is no longer this brick wall depicted in old cosmetology textbooks. Communicating cells, the role of intra- and extra-cellular vesicles, extension into the realm of the microbiome, relationship with the brain… the skin is now a viewed as an entire universe in its own right, made up of ecosystems in constant interaction – the Meta Skin.  Studying and deciphering these interactions is shaping the new horizons of skin science, and laying the foundations for more holistic cosmetics.

At the next International Symposium by SFC, let’s discuss and share these concepts, which are changing the way we look at the skin.

The highlighted topics will focus on specific examples illustrating:

  1. INTERCONNECTIONS BETWEEN: skin cells / intra-extracellular vesicles / skin and microbiome / skin and brain
  2. IDENTIFICATION AND MECHANISM OF ACTION of cell mediators or receptors involved in systems’ interconnections (chronobiology, epigenetics, etc.)
  3. COSMETIC FUNCTIONALITY AND SYSTEMS’ INTERCONNECTIONS: anti-aging, moisturizing, sensitive skin, sun protection, anti-pollution, lightening, etc.
  4. HOW INGREDIENTS CAN CAPITALIZE on systems’ interconnections to improve skin health

You can submit your proposals by filling in the attached form and sending it to contact@sfcosmeto.fr before September 15th 2023.

The Symposium will combine research work with more industrial interventions.

Any conference proposed by raw materials or tests suppliers will be linked to sponsorship.

Please contact contact@sfcosmeto.fr to find out more about sponsorship opportunities.

All conferences will be given in English.

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