Sensitive skin is a condition where the skin gets easily irritated and often turns red, itchy, and sore. This can happen because of things like changes in temperature, makeup, and stress. Many people have sensitive skin, and it’s becoming more common worldwide. There are many potential causes of sensitive skin and things like genetics, the environment, and problems with the skin’s barrier can often play a role. Sensitive skin is also linked to other skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, and atopic dermatitis that cause skin inflammation.
Inflammation can happen when the body’s healing process starts after being irritated. When there is too much inflammation, it can harm the skin and make sensitive skin significantly worse. To treat sensitive skin, a variety of techniques can be used to fight the inflammation.
These treatments generally come in two forms: topical and systemic. Topical treatments are creams and ointments that are put directly on the skin. They work by reducing inflammation and soothing irritated skin.
Systemic treatments are often taken by mouth or through a vein and are used for more severe skin problems under a doctor’s supervision.
When it comes to selecting skincare products for sensitive skin, it’s important to choose products that have been tested and validated by scientific studies at appropriate regulatory approved or certified Clinical Testing Laboratories. Validated Claim Support can help support sensitive skin and anti-inflammatory claims using bio-instrumentation measurements and expert clinical grading. These studies use objective measurements and clinical assessments to determine the effectiveness of a product.
Instrumentation such as the Tewameter (TEWL) can measure the skin’s barrier function, which is important for maintaining healthy skin. The skin barrier helps to protect the skin from environmental stressors and prevent water loss, which can lead to dryness and sensitivity. A compromised skin barrier can increase inflammation and sensitivity, so it’s important to choose products that help to maintain and support the skin barrier.
Hydration is another important factor to consider when managing sensitive skin. The Corneometer, Novameter, and EpiD Moisture Meter are all instruments that can be used to assess the hydration levels of the skin. Maintaining adequate hydration is essential for healthy skin, as it helps to prevent dryness and irritation.
In addition to bio-instrumentation measurements, expert clinical grading can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of skincare products. Clinical grading involves the evaluation of skin by trained professionals to assess factors such as redness, dryness, and overall skin appearance. These assessments can help to identify areas of improvement and track changes in skin health over time.
It’s also important to choose skincare products that are free from harsh chemicals, fragrances, and preservatives, and opt for products that contain natural, soothing ingredients such as aloe vera, chamomile, and calendula. Wearing protective clothing, such as hats and long sleeves, and using sunscreen with a high SPF can help to protect the skin from environmental stressors like pollution and UV radiation. Completely blocking UV radiation from ever reaching the skin will always be a more effective means of protection than creams and lotions, no matter how strong their SPF may be.
Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits can also contribute to healthy skin. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can provide the nutrients and antioxidants needed for healthy skin. Exercise, getting enough sleep, and managing stress can also help to support healthy skin.
Understanding the triggers of inflammation and sensitive skin and taking steps to minimize exposure to these triggers can help to reduce symptoms and promote healthy skin. Choosing skincare products that have been properly Validated by a reputable, FDA Registered lab and which contain natural, soothing ingredients is an important step towards maintaining your skin’s natural barrier, and visibly fighting against the signs of aging.
Jane Tervooren
Brian Ecclefield
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