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Electric Youth: Exploring the Benefits of Microcurrent via Skin Inc

7 February 2022

Microcurrent (MC) is popular not only in medical offices, but also in medical spas and day spas. It can stand alone as a treatment or be easily added as an adjunct to other skin care services including facials, microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, microneedling and oxygen treatments. This article will take a look at the skin care benefits of MC, but first it will take a deeper dive into the human body’s own electricity and how outside electric current can interact with human cells.

Biology and Electromagnetism

The human body relies on the continuous flow of electromagnetic signals to function. Electric current flow is always accompanied by a magnetic field and vice versa—one cannot exist without the other. Therefore, the proper name for electrical current flow is electromagnetic current flow. For the sake of simplicity and ease of reading, electromagnetic current flow may be referred to as electrical current in parts of this article.


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By Terri Wojak – Apr 6th, 2017