
FDA to Withdraw Temporary Hand Sanitizer Production Policies via Global Cosmetic Industry

On Oct. 12, 2021, the U.​S. Food and Drug Administ­ration (FDA) announced its intent to withdraw, as of Dec. 31, 2021, guidances issued in March 2020 outlining temporary policies for the production of certain alcohol-based hand sanitizers to address the COVID-19 public health emergency.

This follows a joint appeal in April 2021 made by the American Cleaning Institute and Consumer Healthcare Products Association to the FDA to withdraw its emergency guidance, citing safety concerns. “We note that FDA has had to address ongoing quality and safety issues associated with many of the products manufactured under the temporary policy, likely due to lack of compliance with Current Good Manufacturing Practice requirements (cGMPs),” they wrote.

See related: FDA Issues More Sanitizer Warnings, Posts Microbe-related Recalls



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