Medical Technology by NanoFocus

Quality assurance in medical technology for production and laboratory

In medical technology, the demands on quality of products and components are particualarly high, since they are used for the support or analysis of the human body, or even inserted into the body as implants. High-tech components in modern medical engineering have to fulfill special demands with respect to medical tolerance, durability and wear.

The properties of the product’s surface like roughness, topography, micro geometry or thickness of coatings, is often crucial for the therapeutic and, therefore, the economic success of a product.

With a high resolution, the optical NanoFocus 3D surface measurement systems provide repeatable parameters for surface quantification. The patented technology even allows the non-contact measurement of polished or transparent surfaces, coatings and steep slopes, as well as roughness measurements according to DIN EN ISO. In the laboratory, the NanoFocus metrology is a cost-efficient and easy-to-use alternative to scanning electron microscopy (SEM).


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By NanoFocus

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