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Researchers Identify Genes Associated with Ageless Women by Skin-Inc

18 June 2015

Harvard Researchers, Olay and 23andMe teamed up to conduct a study that links gene expression to the appearance of women’s skin with age. The Multi-Decade and Ethnicity (MDE) study reveals biological commonalities among a unique subset of women who look exceptionally younger than their age. Additionally, the research found specific gene expression changes that impact the skin aging process during each decade of a women’s life.

The MDE study, which was initiated in 2012 and led by Alexa Kimball, M.​D., professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School/​Massachusetts General Hospital, marries genotypic and phenotypic science and examines Caucasian, African, Hispanic and Asian women in decades from 20-70. 23andMe was utilized to further understand the genes linked to skin aging and their biological variability across different ethnicities.


Please find in the following link the full article from Skin-Inc
