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Studies Hand in Hand with Cosmetics brands by Zurko Research

1 December 2022

Established in 2005, Zurko Research is a Spanish CRO specialized in vivo and in-vitro testing of the safety and efficacy of cosmetic products. Their additional lines of business include testing of Medical Devices and Biocides. They can also provide Regulatory Support if you wish to register your product in the EU or any other part of the world. Their services offer is based on the following key pillars:
• Designing tailor-made protocols
• Maximum quality throughout our work chain
• Fast response, both in executing and sending reports

To carry out studies, they have professionals with a proven scientific and technical background, as well as a wide range of clinical specialists such as dermatologists, ophthalmologists, pediatricians, gynecologists, stomatologists, dentists…



Sabina Giovannini

Zurko Research SL Madrid

Ph. +34 91 521 15 88

Madrid: Avda. De la Osa Mayor,

4 28023 Madrid, Spain