Submit your work and be part of the 20 oral communications that will be selected from the call for communications.

Moreover, a special issue will be published on the IEEE website for more visibility.

From raw materials to finished products :
what are the new assessment and evaluation methods, from ingredients to finished products ?

Skin-product-environment interactions : alternative techniques and tools. How new efficacy and safety in-vitro, in vivo and ex-vivo skin models enable detection and characterization of particles in tissues ?

Instrumentation and sensory evaluation :
from physical measurement to cognitive science, how to optimize the product at early stages, before panel tests ? #perception #product-skin interactions

Smart and connected beauty tools for customization : how to fit the consumer’s expectations of customization and nomadic way of life ?



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COSMETIC VALLEY comet 4p A4 06-2018-2


Soline Godet :

+33 237 183 311

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