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Canfield’s News: An Overhead Lighting Environment for Clinical Assessment of Facial Skin Aging Attributes

10 June 2016

The OLÉ™ Imager is an Overhead Lighting Environment (OLÉ) imaging system which emulates how the subject’s face is perceived by the human eye in everyday settings. The systems combines a high-resolution digital color camera with application-controlled xenon flash sources for standardized facial imaging.

OLÉ Imager Rotating Canopy

The imaging system canopy provides overhead lighting that illuminates the subject’s face with vertical and oblique raked light that mimics natural lighting and enhances topographical skin attributes (e.g., fine lines, wrinkles, and texture).

With no secondary reflections, the OLÉ Imager also provides better axis-based polarized lighting, used for analysis of sub-dermal skin attributes (e.g., pigmented spots). Industry standard perspectives of the face (frontal and oblique views) are captured by rotating the canopy around a stationary subject.
