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COSDERMA has launched its new website!

17 January 2017

Within 12 years of cosmetics testing experience, COSDERMA helps their customers in demonstrating the safety and efficacy of their products. The international expansion of COSDERMA in China gives the possibility to test cosmetics on Caucasian (Bordeaux, France) as well as on Asian panels (Wuhan, China). The testing laboratories offer a unique level of equipment and technical expertise to evaluate the efficacy of cosmetic products, dietary supplements or medical devices.

Their new website provides detailed information on their services and solutions to support customers’ claims. It gives an overview on their technological devices and expertise dedicated to perform cosmetics tests and analysis. You can learn more about the techniques in respect to emerging claims. With its new platform, COSDERMA answers all your questions and quotes requests promptly.





Nadège Durand

+33. (0)