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Deodorants for a Personalised Body Care by Mérieux NutriSciences

Human axillary odour is commonly attributed to the bacterial degradation precursors in sweat secretions. Age, sex, genetic factors, environmental factors, hygiene and the use of cosmetics may contribute to body odour by influencing the quantity and quality of secretions or types of bacteria present on skin.

A cultured-based approach used to isolate odour-generating bacteria identified Corynebacteria and Staphylococcus species. Corynebacteria is related to formation of malodorous acids: volunteers with an axillary flora dominated by Corynebacteria species are characterised by a more intense axillary odour.

Mérieux NutriSciences has set up a new approach that combines the traditional sniff test with the skin microbiote evaluations to better understand the product characteristics, evaluate the real efficacy and performance, and choose the right target and deodorant positioning in the market.


Read the entire ZOOM#22: Click here

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