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How Objectivate Slimming Claims? FOCUS#6 by Skinobs



Discussion Panel


We are glad to share with you the 6th FOCUS, Skinobs semi-annual panel discussion dedicated to the evaluation of Slimming Effects. This new publication has 5 articles sharing 5 different perspectives and point of view.


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Our partners have the floor

We are glad to introduce the several topics presented by our partners:


The cellulite is believed to result when subcutaneous adipose tissue protrudes into the lower reticular dermis, thereby modifying significantly the dermo-epidermis junction and creating irregularities at the surface. The biomechanical properties of epidermal and dermal tissue may also influence severity. This phenomenon located principally in the tights, abdomen and buttocks is characterised giving a spongy aspect of the skin. It can be associated with water retention and fibrose. The changes of the skin by the adipose tissue induce the changes of the biomechanical properties of the dermis.

The clinical evaluation of the treatment efficacy of slimming products evaluates quantitatively and qualitatively, at the surface or deeply, the body morphology, the skin topography, the state of the dermis and hypodermis and the water flow of the skin. The inclusion of the subjects is a key point of this type of evaluation to minimise the inter-individual variations. Investigators will specifically pay attention to the hormonal criteria. The consumer tests and the neurosensory evaluations can be a good way to evaluate the global effects of the personal care on the silhouette, the texture and aspect of the skin, the volume of the legs and the stomach.

What are the present methods and devices available to characterise the changes of weight loss and cellulite decrease ?

1. Body morphology

  1. Scores by experts: 2 scales for body images (Gardner and al.), Body shape Questionnaire (Rousseau and al.), Body-image assessment scale (Thompson and al.)
  2. Centimetric measurements: circumference by a tape measure or a laser
  3. 2D  imaging using cameras or video for multidimensional qualitative and quantitative evaluation and a special bench associated with data treatment.
  4. 3D imaging:
    • Stereo vision system, camera or video for multidimensional qualitative and quantitative evaluation in 3D and a special bench, associated with data treatment and modelling: AEVA 4D (Eotech), BodyScan 3D (Canfield)
    • Fringe projection and data treatment.

2. Cellulite aspects

  1. Clinical visual and tactile scores by skin experts: Scores by experts of the orange peel appearance, skin rugosity and elasticity: mechanically accented microrelief of thigh skin ( Perin and t al.), photo scale of Skin roughness using oblique light (Bielfeldt and al.), photo numeric cellulite severity scale (Hexsel and al.)
  2. Global surface aspect of the skin: C-Cube, DermaTOP, Antera 3D, Videometer,
  3. Surface topography analysis by Silflo print, photo with oblique light, fringe projections,
  4. Hypodermis analysis measure of the thickness and density and evaluation of the invagination of the hypodermis in the equivalent of the dermis.
  • Ultrasound (5-10 MHz): Dermis size and shape: DUB®SkinScanner, Dermascan, Dermcup
  • MRI : quantitatively evaluation of the fatty noddles
  • Microscopy: Confocal with Vivascope (Mavig), MPT Flew, Vivosight (Michelson);  Raman Spectroscopy: (RiverD); Reflectance Confocal Microscopy (Damae Medical); Optical Multiphoton Tomography LAB MPT Flex (Jenlab).

3. Biomechanical properties of the skin

Elasticity and the firmness of the dermis. A real-time deformation using several principles:

  1. Succion:
    • Cutometer and Cutiscan (C+K)
    • Elastimeter and Skinfibrometer (Delfin)
    • Dermalab Elasticity (Cortex)
  2. Ballistometry: Ballistometer (Dia-Stron),
  3. Indentation: Indetometer (C+K)
  4. Airflow:
    • Dynaskin (Eotech, Orion),
    • SkinFlex (Orion),
    • WaveSkin and UnderSkin (LTDS)

4. Microcirculation

  • AB TiVi 700 and Tivi 8000 (Wheelsbridge);
  • Laser Doppler,

For the slimming efficacy, the auto-evaluation with a use test questionnaire or a quality of life one, gives a very interesting information of the treatment performance perceived by the consumers. The multiparametric study is a great approach of this claim crossing results from consumer insights, scores by experts and metrology.


Retrieve all methods and testing labs around the world connecting for free of charge the Clinical testing Platform

On the clinical testing platform, you can find for the claims: slimming, anti-cellulite, anti-orange skin:

  • 57 methods
  • 114 testing laboratories located in 36 countries
  • 57 measurement devices offered by 30 instrumentation manufacturers



Happy Reading and nice summer time !

Anne Charpentier, ceo
and the Skinobs Team 


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