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RYNKL, Tracking and Removing Wrinkles With The Power of Mobile Phone

21 April 2016

Youth Laboratories, a company focused on translating cutting-edge aging research from laboratory to household, has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. The goal is to raise $7,000 from donors all over the world to finalize the development and launch a mobile app, called “RYNKL”, which tracks facial wrinkles and helps to correct them using various interventions including skin care products, lifestyle, exercise, and supplements.

This simple and easy to use mobile app utilizing latest advances in Artificial Intelligence will help you:
  • keep a log and track the “wrinkleness” in vital areas of your face
  • evaluate the beneficial effects of multiple treatments
  • track how young you look compared to your friends and age group in general
  • understand how various cosmetics change the perception of your face
  • experiment and learn about the new ways to keep your face younger and healthier



Your face is such a good predictor of your age that Microsoft’s website can guess your age and age of your friends with amazing accuracy using revolutionary technology called Deep Learning, which is inspired by the way human brain works and is rapidly advancing the field of Artificial Intelligence.

We applied Deep Learning technologies to recognize the intensity of your wrinkles and learned how to track the minute changes that occur during aging.

We then developed a mobile app, which takes your picture, consider biomarkers of your face ageing and gives you objective picture of how your youthfulness changes in result of treatment.

With this app you can test a certain cream for some time to see if it helped reduce “wrinkleness” adjusting for the changes in your weight. And maybe, you can find the facial products that work just for you and work much better than the others.

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