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Sandblasted PMMA Plates SB6 and Molded PMMA Plates HD6 for In-vitro Sunscreen by Helioscreen

18 November 2022

From our knowledge and expertise in the in-vitro sunscreen testing field, HelioScreen provides reproducible PMMA plates recognized worldwide for the in vitro sun protection evaluation with:

  • Molded PMMA Helioplate HD6,
  • Sandblasted PMMA Helioplate SB6

The characteristics of these substrates , topography, roughness and transmission, are in total compliance with all international standards and methods such as:


  • ISO 24443:2021 for in vitro UVA-PF and Critical Wavelength assessment,
  • FDA rev. 2011 for in vitro Broad Spectrum determination,
  • Boots Star Rating system rev. 2011 for in vitro UVA:UVB ratio assessment,
  • ISO/CD 23675 for in vitro SPF Double Plate method,
  • ISO/CD 23698 for Hybrid Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (HDRS).



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44 rue Léon Blum, 60100 Creil, France