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The New in vivo skin microcirculation video assessment with the TiVi 700 designed by WheelsBridge

27 June 2016


The imager that can “see beyond“ the top layer of the skin and collect information about the underlying microcirculation and other skin parameters.
The patented TiVi700 technology combines polarization spectroscopy with advanced image processing but is still versatile and easy to use.
Wheelsbridge -TiVi8000picture
Whether you work with skin care, cosmetics, textiles, drug development, microvascular research, occupational medicine or medical research, the TiVi700 Tissue Viability Imager will increase your productivity by automatically visualizing and quantifying important skin parameters such as erythema and blanching, as well as wrinkle and pigmentation. All information is collected without any need to touch the skin under investigation. Instrument portability facilitates studies in the laboratory, at the work-site and in the clinic.
By the modular design – using the same camera and computer – functionality can be successively expanded as needed by adding tool-boxes for a variety of applications. The TiVi software runs on 64 bit computer systems in Windows XP, Vista and Vindows 7.