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VOXEL – Volumetric Medical X-Ray Imaging at Extremely Low Dose by IPFN

22 June 2021

Computerized Tomography (CT) has been one of the greatest achievements in medical imaging, but at the cost of a high, potentially harmful, X-ray irradiation dose. The ultimate goal of VOXEL is to provide an alternative to tomography with a disruptive technology enabling 3D X-ray imaging at very low dose.

VOXEL aims at prototyping new cameras working either in the soft or hard X-rays that will combine the X-ray penetration and nanometre spatial resolution, easiness to use, afforded by avoiding the rotation of the source or the sample, and extremely low dose for maximum impact on medicine and biology.

VOXEL relies on the integration of trans-disciplinary fields in medical imaging, optics, X-ray physics, computational and applied mathematics. The VOXEL team members are experts in X-ray metrology, wavefront sensing, atomic physic, mathematical computing and 3D medical imaging. By basing the research lead in Portugal with a woman coordinator, VOXEL will be transformative for scientifically emerging countries.

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