How can we help ?
Skinobs makes the tests complete, visible, accessible and intelligible information
To support the allegations of products and ingredients, cosmetics is constantly seeking classical or innovative methods to more accurately demonstrate the performance of the products in the skin.
The site Skinobs publishes and relays information about all tests in cosmetics
- Chemical analysis,
- Toxicology,
- Tolerance,
- Vitro and vivo efficacy
- Use tests
- Sensory analysis
Articles are indexed by topics (type of products), expert voice… and key words.
Skinobs dedicated to the testing professionals
Skinobs is intented to cosmeticians, and in the first place, the evaluation responsible of cosmetic brands, full services suppliers and also manufacturers of active ingredients and ingredients.
Skinobs allows to connect together the players in cosmetic testing: upstream providers (tests and instrumentation) and customers (manufacturers).
Skinobs, a watch tool of technological and market
On the one hand, Skinobs offers technological and marketing watch on testing and skin assessment methods to everyone in R & D, development and formulation, marketing and communication, regulatory services.
On the other hand, this site proposes the opportunity to manufacturers of instrumentation, researchers, laboratory analysis and tests, to consultants and experts but also to manufacturers of active ingredients and finished products to communicate on measurement methods, biological and skin properties, cosmetics and their ingredients. They can share their knowledge and expertise with their customers and partners.
Free consultation
You can consult and subscribe for free, and you will receive regularly the latests articles.
In September 2019, the Newsfeed it’s:
- 1700 articles published since 2015,
- 3000 subsribers in France and in the world,
- more than 1000 articles read per week.
Share your expertise with cosmeticians & testing community
Ask for a cote (one-shot or yearly) and send us your article or press release with a photograph at the following address:
Or call at + 33630.089.098
Happy reading
Anne Charpentier
Skinobs Founder